Andrew Community

Andrew Connection:

A newsletter for Family and Friends of Andrew Residents!

Compliance and Ethics Reporting

Concerns reported here are reviewed by the Andrew Residence Compliance Officer. Concerns may be provided anonymously. Please share as much information as possible regarding your compliance or ethics concerns.

Feedback for Quality Assurance and Performance Improvement

Opportunities for Improvement and Quality Concerns
As part of our Quality Assurance Performance Improvement program we invite feedback from resident family members and representatives and others to share their quality concerns and suggestions for improvement. Information received is reviewed by the Quality Assurance Performance Improvement Committee.

Facility Assessment Input


Dear Resident, Family, Responsible Party,

The Federal agency, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), oversees Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing homes, which includes our facility. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released the final rule providing guidance on requirements for CMS certified nursing homes. One key component of the final rule (first to be implemented) includes the facility assessment requirements.

Notice of Availability of:

Language Assistance Services and Auxiliary Aids and Services

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What People Are Saying


"We work with residents on small things that may not be small to the resident."
- Staff Member
"We work with residents on small things that may not be small to the resident."
Staff Member3
- Staff Member
"We really help each other. People offer to help. Mental illness affects a resident's entire life. Having a supportive, integrative team is important!"
- Staff Member
"We really help each other. People offer to help. Mental illness affects a resident's entire life. Having a supportive, integrative team is important!"
Staff Member5
- Staff Member